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< Previous3D Insignia Textured 3D Insignia with colored chrome finish (show in Dome) 3D Insignia Flat 3D Insignia Dome 3D Insignia with chrome finish (shown in Dome) Micro PatchHP+ Patch (some restrictions apply) Laser-etched Faux Suede Patch (some restrictions apply) Laser-etched Suede Domestic with heat-seal (some restrictions apply) Laser-etched Faux Leather Domestic with heat-seal (some restrictions apply) Laser Cut Faux Suede Letters & Numbers Domestic with heat-seal (2 max / some restrictions apply) Laser Cut Suede Letters & Numbers Domestic with heat-seal (2 max / some restrictions apply) Embroidered Twill Retro Patch Infinity Edge Patch Fully embroidered with flat edge Sublimated Retro Patch Printed Twill with Satin Stitch Sew-down Flocked State Shape with Optional Star (some restrictions apply) Micro Heat Transfer (available on select locations only) Woven Label with Satin Stitch Woven Label PatchFlocked Letters & Numbers 1” and 2” pre-set fonts (4 max) Die-Cut Felt Letters & Numbers (2 max) 3D Embroidery (some restrictions apply) Flat Embroidery NEW 8 To place an order contact your local sales rep, call (800) 950-1916 or visit DOMESTIC TECHNIQUESEmbroidered Twill Retro Patch Laser-etched Suede Patch (sew down only) Visor Edge Embroidery Woven Label Patch 3D Embroidery Sublimated Retro Patch Die-cut Felt with Sublimation heat-sealed to cap Woven Label (Satin or Zig Zag Stitch Sewdown) 3D & Flat Embroidery Backstrap Embroidery Laser Cut Suede Letters & Numbers 3 max / up to 5 with up-charge Die-cut Felt Appliqué with Flat or 3D Embroidery Flat Embroidery Twill Patch w/4 color print (merrowed edge or satin stitch) Woven Label with Embroidery Printed Twill Label Die-Cut Felt Letters with or without embroidery (3 max / up to 5 with up-charge) Reflective Patch with One Color Print & Satin Stitch 3D Chain-stitch (some restrictions apply) 9 To place an order contact your local sales rep, call (800) 950-1916 or visit EMPIRE TECHNIQUES EMPIREThese techniques are part of the ‘EMPIRE’ import only program.THE LAB SERIES 10 To place an order contact your local sales rep, call (800) 950-1916 or visit THE LAB SERIES This new experimental collection is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, offering a range of unique trims, high quality fabrics and innovative features that merge style, comfort and functionality seamlessly. FEATURING THE WORLD’S FIRST PERFORMANCE MERINO WOOL SWEATBAND • Absorbs vapor before it becomes drops of perspiration • Dryer next-to-skin environment even under extreme conditions • Helps keep you cool when it’s warm and warm when it’s cool • Naturally anti-odor and anti-microbial memory structure provides bounce back to help prevent crushed caps perforated panel designs to enhance fabric breathability moisture-wicking fabrics to keep you cool and dryTHE LAB SERIES 11 To place an order contact your local sales rep, call (800) 950-1916 or visit S1502The Alpha •Performance fabric with moisture wicking properties •Perforation on front, side and back panels •Structured mid-crown profile with memory structure •NuYarn® Performance Merino Wool sweatband •Buoyant visor board •Heather charcoal undervisor •Rubberized hook & loop backstrap •Pictured: navy with flat embroidery (domestic) •No back embroidery - side embroidery requires approval grey J07 maroon GXX black JXX true navy TNVTHE LAB SERIES 12 To place an order contact your local sales rep, call (800) 950-1916 or visit S1504The Capstone •Performance fabric with moisture wicking properties •Perforation on back panels •5 panel ‘retro fit’ with memory structure •Woven rope with reflective accents along base of front panel •NuYarn® Performance Merino Wool sweatband •Buoyant visor board •Heather charcoal undervisor •Rubberized hook & loop backstrap •Pictured: heather deep teal with HP+ Patch (domestic) heather dark red H9D heather charcoal HCH heather cool blue HC9 heather navy HNY heather deep teal TDHTHE LAB SERIES 13 To place an order contact your local sales rep, call (800) 950-1916 or visit white AXX grey J07 light blue H08 black JXX true navy TNV S1505The Dyno •Performance fabric with moisture wicking properties •Perforation on side and back panels •Structured 5 panel mid-crown profile with memory structure •Woven rope with reflective accents along base of front panel •NuYarn® Performance Merino Wool sweatband •Buoyant visor board •Heather charcoal undervisor •Rubberized hook & loop backstrap •Pictured: white with HP+ Patch (domestic) •No back embroidery - side embroidery requires approvalphoto shows X210P in fog (opposite page)CORE PERFORMANCE 15 To place an order contact your local sales rep, call (800) 950-1916 or visit X210PThe Original Performance •100% recycled performance fabric with UPF 50+ protection •Lightweight, breathable and moisture-wicking •Unstructured low-sweep profile •Performance moisture wicking and anti-microbial sweatband •Micro hook & loop elastic loop closure with garage tuck-in •Style also available for the Empire Program •Pictured: laurel green with Micro Patch (domestic only) NEW COLOR AVAILABLE dark grey J10 fog FOG forest green IX2 frost grey FST putty PUT red pepper FEE olive I12 orange CXX pacific blue PAF petrol PLL melon orange MLC nantucket red NAN white AXX robins egg REG sage I17 seaglass SES sorbet SRT sunbeam SBM true navy TNV walnut D11 gold BXX green IX3 khaki D05 lavender G05 light blue H08 light pink FLP macaroon MAN laurel green LAU cerulean CEU breaker blue BUE cardinal F00 cobalt H18 aqua I02 azure HAZ black JXX buckthorn brown BHNCORE PERFORMANCE 16 To place an order contact your local sales rep, call (800) 950-1916 or visit buckthorn brown BHN black JXX cobalt H18 breaker blue BUE red pepper FEE white AXX putty PUT true navy TNV fog FOG frost grey FST dark grey J10 forest green IX2 light blue H08 pacific blue PAF nantucket red NAN khaki D05 true navy & white TNW white & white AAX green & white GRW orange & white CAW red & white FAX seaglass & white SEE black & white JAX buckthorn brown & white BUC breaker blue & white BKR cardinal & white FWH lt gray & white J7W cobalt & white HAW fog & white FOW X210SMThe Original Sport Mesh •100% recycled performance fabric with UPF 50+ protection •Lightweight, breathable and moisture-wicking •Lightweight & breathable •Soft mesh side and back panels •Structured mid-crown profile •Performance moisture wicking and anti-microbial sweatband •Plastic snap closure •Style also available for the Empire Program •Pictured: breaker blue & white with flat embroidery (domestic/Empire) NEW COLOR AVAILABLE X210SPThe Structured Performance •100% recycled performance fabric with UPF 50+ protection •Lightweight, breathable and moisture-wicking •Structured low-sweep profile •Performance moisture wicking and anti-microbial sweatband •Micro hook & loop elastic loop closure with garage tuck-in •Style also available for the Empire Program •Pictured: red pepper with 3D Insignia Flat (domestic only) NEW COLOR AVAILABLECORE PERFORMANCE 17 To place an order contact your local sales rep, call (800) 950-1916 or visit XL210PThe Original Performance XL •100% recycled performance fabric with UPF 50+ protection •Lightweight, breathable and moisture-wicking •Unstructured low-sweep profile •XL Fit cap fits sizes 7 3/4 - 8 •Performance moisture wicking and anti-microbial sweatband •Micro hook & loop elastic loop closure with garage tuck-in •Style also available for the Empire Program •Pictured: white with 3D Insignia Dome (domestic only) XL210SMThe Original Sport Mesh XL •100% recycled performance fabric with UPF 50+ protection •Lightweight, breathable and moisture-wicking •Lightweight & breathable •Structured mid-crown profile •Soft mesh side and back panels •XL Fit cap fits sizes 7 3/4 - 8 •Performance moisture wicking and anti-microbial sweatband •Plastic snap closure •Style also available for the Empire Program •Pictured: true navy / white with flat embroidery on front and loop label sewn over back opening (Empire) sunbeam SBM true navy TNV white AXX nantucket red NAN pacific blue PAF putty PUT red pepper FEE robins egg REG black JXX breaker blue BUE macaroon MAN cobalt H18 dark grey J10 fog FOG light blue H08 melon orange MLC forest green IX2 frost grey FST khaki D05 black & white JAX lt grey & white J7W true navy & white TNW red & white FAX white & white AAXNext >